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Host your own Diaspora POD with OpenShift for free!

1 comment

Ubuntu based instructions, step by step (work in progress, will add screenshots soon)

  1. First create an account on OpenShift
  2. Install Ruby (all steps are on local system)
    $ sudo apt-get install ruby-full rubygems
  3. Install git
    $ sudo git-core
  4. After you install both Ruby and Git, verify they can be accessed via the command line:
    $ ruby -e 'puts "Welcome to Ruby"'
    Welcome to Ruby
    $ git --version
    git version
  5. With Ruby and Git correctly installed, you can now use the RubyGems package manager to install the OpenShift client tools. From a command line, run:
    $ sudo gem install rhc
  6. After the OpenShift client tools are installed, run:
    $ rhc setup
  7. then run below command
  8. If you have none yet generate a SSH keypar: ssh-keygen.
  9. Create the application:
    rhc app create diaspora \
       ruby-1.9 mysql-5.5 \
  10. If it asks you to upload your SSH key, answer yes.
  11. cd diaspora to change into the new repository.
  12. Run the following commands:
    git remote add upstream git://
    git fetch upstream
    git reset --hard upstream/master
    git  push -f origin master
  13. Grab a coffee.
  14. Configuration

    Configuration is done via environment variables. To change something from the default set them via rhc env set, see rhc help env. To see what's available, read config/diaspora.yml.example.

    Adding yourself as an admin

    After you created an account on your new diaspora* pod, you can make yourself an admin with: rhc ssh diaspora -- '/bin/bash -c "cd $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR; source .openshift/diaspora_configuration; bundle exec rails runner \\"Role.add_admin(User.where(username: \'yourusername\').person)\\""'.
    Have look at my Diaspora* POD
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1 comment:

  1. I get this error
    fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree
    When I try yo tun
    git reset --hard upstream/master
