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Regional Languages / Malayalam in Operamini

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To enable the regional (Tamil, Mlayalam ,Telugu , Kannada..etc ) language in Opera Mini browser
Supported versions operamini 4.2, operamini 5.1 beta \
If you are using your Opera Mini mobile browser to access regional websites, you might have faced this issue. Instead of seeing the proper regional content (in my case, its Malayalam), you might have seen boxes all over there in that tiny mobile screen. This is because, by default, Opera Mini browser couldn’t be able to render the complex scripts, i.e. regional fonts.
Open the address about:config in your opera mini browser. This will open the browser’s option page.
operamini window
Scroll down until you see something like this: Use bitmap fonts for complex scripts.
operamini settings
Set the above option value to yes and then click on Save button.
settings saved 
Enjoy Malayalam !
That’s it. Now you’ll be able to enjoy the local content from your Opera Mini browser.


All the web traffic from Opera Mini browser goes through Opera’s proxy servers, which optimize the web content for mobile experience. As I said above, Opera Mini does not have the capability to render complex scripts in mobile. So, by setting the above option, we are letting the Opera’s proxy servers to render the complex scripts as images and send those images to mobile browser. Thus you’ll see the regional content as images, instead of fonts.
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